CIE Advisory Board/Mentor Program
At the beginning of the 2019 semester Raja met with me to talk about possible development of mentors for the business pitch, a competition of students to present business ideas or products to people from the industry.
I mentored two students in the development of branding and understanding how to promote their products online. This was really a great experience for me since I really missed doing the startup weekends with the students. I got a chance to bring the students into my creative design class and have them see what branding a company was all about. They got to speak with other design students and found out that branding is not just developing a logo, but developing a mission that you believe in. One of the biggest challenges in the classroom is teaching design students that just because someone wants a logo or website, it really isn’t what makes the company grow. I teach the students to recognize that it’s more than just a design, and that you need to research and immerse yourself in the company in order to get the feel of what they are after with their specific clientele . These two students also got the opportunity to have my creative design class help them develop logos and branding to support their presentations at the end of the semester.
What was it all about?
Center for Innovation and Entrepreneurship Advisory Board/Mentor Program
I am part of the Advisory Board for the Center for Innovation and Entrepreneurship at the Fowler Center. I also took part in the 2019 mentor program for the CIE.