Curriculum/Course Developments

Courses Developed

Introduction to Web Site Design – designed course/outline
Introduction to the skills, concepts and techniques necessary to design Web sites.

Introduction to 3-D Computer Animationdesigned course/outline
Introduction to computer animation and visual effects; model building, rendering, lighting, key-frame animation, and character animation; exploration of a variety of current computer animation software using state-of-the-art digital technology. Prereq. – ARTA170 or approval of instructor.

Web Animation (updated) – designed course/outline & online version
Designed to build on the skills and experiences learned in Introduction to Web Site Design. Major emphasis will be placed on creating graphics for web sites, use of Cascading Style Sheets, DHTML audio files, VR files and advanced web applications as cutting edge tools in web site design.

Advanced 3-D Computer Animation
Designed to build on the skills, knowledge and experience gained in the Introduction to 3-D Computer Animation course. Emphasis will be placed on working with advanced 2-D and 3-D computer animation techniques and software for use in print, interactive multimedia and web site productions.

Computer Graphicsdesigned course/outline
Introduction to computer graphics and basic design principles. Utilizing Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator software, students will learn the fundamentals of digital design, image editing/scanning and printing.

Creative Designsnew course 2011 – created/designed
This course is designed to improve conceptual abilities as applied to design. Students will create innovative design projects, emphasizing best practices of the creative design process and visual problem solving.

Media Art– revised course 2011 – created/designed
Combination of elements, approaches and techniques from fine art and applied art with cutting-edge digital technology; theory, methodology and professional practices covered through lectures, in-class hands-on practice and outside assignments; students approach projects conceptually, synthesizing original integrative solutions, which hopefully expand existing conventions; concepts include collaboration, iteration, metaphor, art as commodity, making vs. finding, perfection vs. perfectionism, and creativity and transcendence.

ARTA 230 New Media Theory and Practice (changing to motion graphics)
This course will introduce critical concepts and hands-on skills in the current New Media field. Students will discuss topics related to the World Wide Web, mobile devices, DVDs, CD-ROMs, digital gaming, film and animation. Students will be equiped with the skills necessary for storyboarding, script writing, character development, theories and practices used in pre-production, and creating a film or animation.

New Media Production (changing to Advanced Motion graphics)
A continuation of New Media Theory and Practice. Students will form groups, devise a production strategy and create an animated short based on a storyboard they have chosen. Students learn production techniques, including lighting, sound, character building, quick shorts, creating scenes, editing and final production.

Portfolio WorkshopCapstone Course – new course 2011 – created/designed
This course is the capstone course in Communication Design curriculum. This course will assist students in becoming professional members of the new digital media design market. Students will be revising, developing and assembling a portfolio in both hard-copy and digital formats.

Catalog Course Sequence

Developed and Changed Course Sequence Based off of Communication Design Advisory Committee.