Student Art Shows

Every year my arts students do a public art show at Artsquest. The goal is to have students experience the real-world process of having their own show and preparing work for the public eye. Each year Artsquest allows my students to take over the lower floor with installations. Below is all of the shows the students have done.

Garden of the Minds

Garden of the Minds

Student Artshows
Illuminate the Void

Illuminate the Void

Student Artshows
Paradox (The Illusion of Time)

Paradox (The Illusion of Time)

Student Artshows
Payback (inspired by Margaret Atwood)

Payback (inspired by Margaret Atwood)

Student Artshows
Sense & Perception

Sense & Perception

Student Artshows
Decades of Imagination

Decades of Imagination

Student Artshows
Payback: Margaret Atwood Collaboration

Payback: Margaret Atwood Collaboration

Student Artshows
Student Projection Mapping Work

Student Projection Mapping Work

Projection Mapping, Student Artshows